World Refugee Day

How well do you understand what it means to be a refugee?

As a teacher in Canada, I have had many opportunities to work with refugee families from various parts of the world. While every refugee has a different experience that depends on what prompted their departure from their homeland, it’s true of all of them that they would not have chosen to flee if it wasn’t absolutely necessary to preserve their lives.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) definition of refugee is:

“Under international law, a refugee is someone who is forced to flee their home country to escape persecution or a serious threat to their life, physical integrity or freedom. This may be linked to their race, religion, nationality, political beliefs or membership of a social group. But also to situations of conflict, violence or public disorder. Refugees are protected by international law and cannot be sent back home if their life or freedom would be at risk.”

In a conversation I had with a family member a few years ago, I tried my best to explain that refugees are not here in Canada to cause anyone harm or to take away anyone’s jobs. They are here, either temporarily or permanently, to live and contribute in their host country. I think the most difficult thing to explain is that fleeing one’s home country is only done when it is impossible to stay. Refugees are literally running for their lives. And the gratitude I have seen from refugee families as we care for them in our schools is massive 100% of the time.

Melissa Fleming (with the UNHCR) shared an amazing true story about a young refugee woman’s journey, which illustrates the pain and terror refugees experience. A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea is an amazing account that provides a look into the experience of a young woman who joins a group of refugees who have all decided that getting on a crowded boat to cross the Mediterranean sea is a better option than staying behind.

I highly recommend this book.

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